As Australia begins to open up from the latest rounds of Covid interruptions, is it too early to start organising that weekend away, holiday, sabbatical or even a longer escape? … Maybe you would even like to become a “Vagabond”?
Prior to Covid spoiling all the fun, so many women were having the time of their lives … Away with “girlfriends” – leaving their husbands at home to work & look after the family whilst they went away to relax, unwind & recharge with friends (or on their own)!! A chance to share stories of how life rolls in their family and receive the support women need from friends who “got it”.
Many of my community know too well how much I love my “BMW’s – Big Mothers Weekend“ girls and we live for our annual 3 days away and love the time we spend together – 15 years in the making now and we don’t miss a year unless we get an absent letter from our mum (even Covid hasn’t stopped us – just a few delays!!!). This is small scale when talking sabbatical though and definitely no Wellness Retreat (other than community, laughter & occasionally healthy food) – just a good old fashion weekend away & escape from day to day life!!
What Is Vagabonding?
So if our children can have a gap year because they don’t know what to do with their life, and Instagram is full of young adults in their 20’s showing us their spectacular pictures from far away places … Why can’t we “maturing” adults take a sabbatical or long term escape? God I’m sure you will all agree with me that we certainly need some kind of escape after Covid lockdowns, restrictions & having “life put on hold”!!
There are many names for taking a long period of “absence”, some may refer to it as “escaping”, or taking Wunderlast (a german word meaning an irresistibly strong desire to travel or wander) or Vagabonding (wandering around with purpose) … Rolf Potts wrote about this in his book Vagabonding and I do like the term “Vagabond” as it has a real alternative feel about it!!
I’m defiantly not talking retirement or even semi-retirement but you might consider it a form of “trial” retirement if you wish!! I’ll must be honest I have seriously considered vagabonding – mainly because Brett has been suggesting for a few years now that we just get in a van & travel around Australia (or New Zealand) or spend 3 months living as locals in some awe-inspiring country like Vietnam, Italy or Cost Rica.
But when I’ve mentioned this to friends they find it interesting that I yearn for such time away. Don’t I have the best job in the world, live in a fantastic apartment overlooking the water, have so many wonderful friends … How could I possibly want to be away from all of that!! Well, firstly I wouldn’t wander too far and most defiantly would like my family and friends close by (or even enjoy it all with me) … So I guess this means starting on a small scale & building up!!
Why Does Becoming A Vagabond Sound Like A Good Idea?
As much as I love my work, to be honest over 20 years of working 4 nights a week and half a day on Saturday is challenging and restrictive. Coming home to eat dinner by yourself at 9.30pm most nights and not being able to go to evening functions or events or being with your family at night was difficult. Though some might say that sounds fantastic, it did have many bonuses, BUT it certainly does wear you down in the end!!
In one aspect Covid has been god send for me because it forced my hand!! … It made me consider my future, make some immediate changes to keep the business going & evaluate exactly how I would like to live the next few years of my life. So I started making some BIG changes in 2020 & look to continue into the remainder of 2021 & throughout 2022.
So why would I like to become a Vagabond??
My life as a yoga teacher has made me so aware of the importance of having a purpose in life. Teaching has made me grateful in knowing that my purpose is to help others understand how to live a life that is abundant both physically, spiritually and mentally. This is a tough gig and to be honest it’s physically and emotionally demanding. I am a tough critic on myself though, and want to know that whatever I do is my best no cutting corners and putting in 100%.
But I, like everyone else, am not getting any younger!! Sometimes I wonder if what I am doing is good enough and suggest to myself “if only I had more time I could do so much more”. Unfortunately though, time is something that we all wish we had more of!!
What Does A Vagabond Look Like To Me?
Having time “off” to Vagabond would mean I …
- Learn to stress less about the things that really don’t matter;
- Appreciate how other cultures live and survive;
- Experience a fulfilling existence without a big price tag;
- Find inspiration to give back to communities that need me most;
- Get to reflect on the past and make any changes that would allow me to be better balanced and harmonious in my life;
- Have more spaciousness & quietness in my life to go slow and truly appreciate all life has to offer;
- Reboot my energy.
Although the world is currently “on hold” … especially for Australians … now is the time to begin planning your escape!!
Now Is The Perfect Time To Plan Your Escape?
So with both local & overseas borders opening up, for us Aussies, in the not too distant future (all going to plan), now is the perfect time to start planning that long term escape!! … It certainly might be an opportunity of a lifetime to see some of the great sites of Australia (& the World) without too much competition. And with approximately 18 months worth of natural restoration under their belt, some of these wonders just might be in better condition now than what they were pre Covid!!
But, I do think you will need to be selective in your choices though … There are so many people already chomping at the bit to get away that many of the A+ locations might be already booked out!! Thats why I’m thinking about taking the SLOW approach … Look to explore my own country before I join the crowds overseas!! Maybe even grab that van Brett so desperately wants be to consider & just wander around Australia … Because everyone knows it has so much to offer!!
Where are you escaping to first?
With Love, Light & Kindness 🙏
Leesa XO

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