Self Care

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”
– Jean Shinoda Bolen –
Day to day life just seems to be getting busier … attending to work commitments, crossing things off a to-do list, driving from here to there, looking after family members, only to find ourselves at the end of our day feeling like our “gas tank is completely empty”.
Most women know the importance of self-care, but so many still find themselves giving & giving to others all day long, at work and at home, and wonder how on earth can they possibly fit time in for themselves into that already full daily schedule!!
Many of us tend to prioritise our daily duties in the following order: family, work, chores (cooking, shopping, laundry, etc), activities or other commitments, and last but not least self-care … Rinse & repeat, day after day. We consistently put self-care as our lowest priority and when it is last on our list, it is the one that almost always gets skipped when we run short of time!!
BUT, it should not be the case!! Self care MUST be a high priority … especially if you want to survive the dreaded “rat race”.
21 Day Health & Wellness Challenge
Are You Ready To Take On A Wellness Challenge Which Puts Your Body, Mind & Energy Into A Healing State?
If you say YES… read on & Join the Movement!
Learn How To Change Your Mindset & Feel Healthier & Happier In 21 Days
You’ve probably heard it takes 21 days to form a habit. I’m not sure how scientifically sound that statement is, but what I do know is that making changes takes time and effort … You need to WANT to change; be in the right headspace and be emotionally invested in creating a lasting change.
Are you feeling it is time to start looking after your body, so it’s strong enough to prevent ill health in the future? Would you like to learn simple & effective steps you can take to:-
- Strengthen your body & mind.
- Have more energy.
- Start attracting positive experiences to you
- Think more clearly
Let me show you how with my 21 Day Health & Wellness Challange.

Vision Boarding Master Series

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson –
Vision Boarding involves the collection of images, affirmations & ideas that reflect the person you WANT to become, the life you WANT to live, your perfect job or enterprise, and the people you WANT to share it all with.
When vision boarding is executed correctly, it is a STRONG & POWERFUL tool to guide & direct you on the pathway of LIVING your TRUTH, PURPOSE & all that you have DREAMED of.
This Master series will:-
✨ Get you dreaming, visualising, thinking & believing about what YOU really WANT OUT of life;
✨ Help you evaluate who you WANT to be by the end of 2021;
✨ Show you HOW to get there;
✨ Keep you on track to achieving your VISION.
If you’ve ever dreamed of improving all aspects of your life …… your:-
✔️ Lifestyle ✔️ Career ✔️ Finances ✔️ Personal Development ✔️ Health or ✔️ Relationships and they’ve NEVER come to fruition then THIS Vision Board Series WILL bring them to life. ❤️
And if you follow the principles you’ll get to live a life FULL of your deepest desires.

Living a healthy, abundant & joyful life doesn’t have to be complicated.
Come & join my Healthy Mind & Body Community and
let me guide & support you on your journey.
Simply enter your name & email below to gain access to my
monthly lifestyle insights + FREE resources.