In the financial world we have finished the accounting year!! Lucky for the rest of us we still have 6 months to go to fulfil all the intentions we set ourselves at the beginning of the year!! However, this got me thinking about how quickly the year has already gone …
- What have I really done?
- Am I happy with what I’ve achieved?
- (And if not) what am I going to do about it!!
- Am I truly happy with how this year has transpired?
After scrolling through my 2016 Affirmations Diary (Claire Dobson a beautiful participant of mine gifted me of which I am very grateful for!!) I came across my intentions for 2016 and my ONE word to carry me through the year. In such a short period of time I have totally forgotten about these 2 ever so valuable markers that were “to keep me on the straight and narrow in 2016”.
What Happened … I Had Such Good Intentions This Year!!
We are after all only human so I’m guessing you may be a little like me? Hence, why I am sharing the process I worked through last weekend as it helped me get a grip on the past and a perspective on the future.
New Years Intentions (I don’t like the word Resolution) always make you feel like you are about to have a new start to the year. All the shenanigans that happened in the previous year is sooo last year and this new year will be magic!! Whilst it’s a wonderful way to stop, reflect and reboot to go forward it really is just another day on the calendar. You can reset your intentions any day, any hour in fact anytime you darn want to. Nothing is set in concrete and life is constantly about reflecting and realigning yourself to be Your Best You.
My July 2016 “checking in” began with a series of thought provoking questions that I jotted down on a piece of my beautiful Kikki K paper, giving myself enough space between each to “go to town”and write the truth. I am a lover of stationery so I had clearly noted each question in Turquoise Blue and in pink I answered with my Pure Yoga hat on and in purple from ME.
Here’s some of the probing questions I asked myself … What:
- Worked well to date?
- Didn’t work at all?
- Have I achieved?
- Did I love doing?
- Really changed me?
How Are You Using Your “Life Minutes”?
I am sharing them with you so that if you are having a good hard look at yourself too and find yourself asking “Is this really how I want to spend my Life Minutes” they are a great little tool box of thought provoking questions. You may be asking What are Life Minutes? They say the average lifespan in 39,420,000 minutes if we are lucky! If this is all I’ve got I want to truly live them in the most passionate and fulfilling way possible.
Once I had answered these questions I went to look at my original intentions for 2016, my key word and checked if I was still aligned with them. Had they served me to this half yearly point and was I honoring them?
Then onto the serious stuff … What needed to be done to reboot, recharge and move forward. The trusty motivational Kikki K paper that read Start Today on the top and of course the pens!! I wrote down with clarity where I wanted to be at the end of the year and what I needed to do, create or achieve to reach that intention.
Setting manageable monthly and weekly goals has given me tangible as well as accountable measures that I can now follow. I have direction once again!!
Questions To Re-Focus My Intentions
Finally a few questions that I asked myself about the future, the big picture stuff to give me long term direction. In 2018 I turn 50 and I really want that whole year to be full of inspirational and meaningful events (thanks to the inspiration of Brett’s amazing 50 things to achieve in his 50th year) … What:-
- Am I over and can do away with?
- Do I want more of?
- Would give me peace and contentment?
- Am I truly committed to?
So with spring in my step and clarity of mind I move forward into the last 6 months of 2016 surrounding myself with people of my same tribe, knowing that if at any time my intentions are not serving me it’s ok to readjust them
Wishing you the same.
P.S If you like this post / topic, then you might also like to read my post on the 3 Ways I Brought More Happiness In My Life.
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