One thing we can always be guaranteed of in life is change. Nature reminds us of this in the ever-changing rhythm of the seasons. Here are 5 tips to help you eat healthy and live a vibrant, healthy life this Autumn season.

#1 Always Buy Food That’s In Season

With the arrival of the new season, now is the time to change your diet! Embrace the yummy foods that Autumn offers. Enjoy fresh pumpkins, sweet potatoes, turnips, apples, pears, figs, quinces, grapes, and kiwifruit!

Some of my favourite fresh seasonal dishes are creamy pumpkin soup, potato & leak soup, roasted root vegetables, baked sweet potatoes, lentil salad with beetroot, apple & grilled salmon and caramelised pears.

#2 Eat More Foods In Autumn Colours

Autumn is the season of warm, earthy colors; think deep greens, dark yellows and brilliant oranges.

When you eat healthy foods that are rich in these colours, you are absorbing the vibrational energy of the earth. Autumn foods are vibrant, colourful and nourishing. One rule of thumb is that the more colourful the fruit, the better it is for your health and your immune system.

#3 Boost Your Immune System

With the changing season, now is the perfect time to begin boosting your immune system.

Whenever I feel the need for a boost to my immune system, I first look to my Essential Oils (in particular my immune bomb blend – On Guard / Oregano / Tea Tree / Lemon). Then I ensure that I am drinking plenty of fresh SPRING water, up my doses of Vitamin C, garlic, Manuka honey and rest as much as possible to make sure that it doesn’t blow out into a debilitating FLU &/or sickness.

In terms of diet, add more of the warm, soothing & highly nutritious soups & broths to help boost the  immune system and keep strong i& active.

#4 Embrace Gentle Moments

eat healthy this autumn

In summertime, it’s so lovely to spend time outside – walking along the beach, out in the countryside or bush – taking advantage of the gorgeous sunny & warmer weather.

But, don’t let the cooler temperatures stop you from moving your body! Far too many people stop exercising and spend more time doing sedentary activities indoors … You never know what you will find – like this cute little wallaby during our recent visit to One & Only Wolgan Valley.

And of course the best way to keep moving during the cooler season is to bring your activity inside by doing more yoga and pilates!!

#5 Nourish Yourself & Live Aligned With The Seasons

As the season shifts, give yourself permission to make different choices and changes to your lifestyle.

The shorter days and longer nights are the perfect excuse to take the time to really look after yourself. Use this Autumn as an ideal time to hibernate, giving yourself time just for YOU.

Spend time relaxing at home, wrapped up with a hot water bottle, wearing your favorite pajamas and enjoying early nights. Watch movies, drink chai tea, or start that hobby you’ve always dreamt about doing.

Autumn is a great time to slow down, eat healthy and enjoy some internal reflection. Allow this season to be a chance to nurture yourself by eating fresh seasonal foods and living in alignment with nature.

I hope that these tips help you to stay strong and healthy!! I’d love to hear what foods you like to eat during Autumn.