The beauty of yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere … It’s relatable across all cultures, languages, & countries and can be practiced independently in the comfort of your home, outside in Mother Nature, or in a room full of people … The Options Are Endless when it comes to creating a home yoga space!!
Once you learn the basic postures, practicing Yoga can be easily integrated into your daily routine and, over time, transform your entire life (yes, Yoga is that powerful)
While practicing Yoga every day may only be for the “die hards” and most definitely be challenging, being able to practice whenever you want, and in a sacred space inside your own home can be so convenient and might just be everything you had dreamed your Yoga practice to be and so much more.
Here’s how to set up a suitable home yoga space to take your practice to another level.
Where to Create Your Home Yoga Space
# Choose a place that’s free of distractions (or almost free) … A space just for “me-time”!!
# If you have a suitable outdoor space & live in a warmer climate … this is a great option too
# Try & choose a room or area with an abundance of natural light;
# A flat surface is essential for balancing postures;
# Personalise your space … Put trinkets on your bedside table, side table or nightstand, hang a dreamy decoration, diffuse some essential oils, light a scented candle or incense, add some indoor plants or flowers, strategically place a statue or figurine … Anything that makes you feel good, connected & inspired;
# Or anywhere that lights your inner fire or inspires you to step on the mat more often.
What Props Should I Have
# A mat – I keep a lightweight, inexpensive mat for outside and a more heavy-duty mat for indoor yoga classes. It is worth the investment to get a good quality mat
# A towel for comfort and absorb any sweat;
# A bolster is a beautiful prop with so many benefits – it helps open the heart, supports the lower back, aids in restorative postures, helps you go deeper into a pose, or can just be a prop for afternoon naps. Alternatively, if you do not have a bolster, a big firm rolled up pillow or towel does the job;
# A strap can aid in flexibility and make a lot of poses more accessible for many people. Even if you are flexible, it just makes everything feel more comfortable and there tends to be less strain on the neck and shoulders . Alternatively, a towel or belt will do the same trick;
# A set of blocks can help you feel grounded, balanced, lengthened, or relaxed in virtually any pose. Alternatively, no blocks = no problem … Grab some sturdy books or have that special someone make you blocks from some left over wood
# A good internet connection & IT arrangement with the ability of streaming a class onto your TV. This will ensure you get limited buffering & make watching any live (or recorded) class so much easier & enjoyable. I lie Apple TV of this though I have also used Chrome cast.
What to Do in Your Sanctuary
# A Yoga practice of any kind – it’s your studio so anything goes;
# Some light stretches before bed to help quiet the mind & relax the body;
# Meditate;
# Practice pranayama (breathing) exercises;
# Read books, write in a journal, reflect on the day or week ahead;
# Get creative – make a vision board, dreamcatcher, or craft project;
# Take a nap;
# Enjoy a cup of hot tea or comforting Chai.
A Yoga Space within the safety of your own home can be anything you want it to be!! So open up your mind & heart to the possibilities & I would love for you to share with me your “SANCTUARY”.
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